Monday, April 16, 2012

BLOG HOP and GIVEAWAY: The Day the World Ends by Ethan Coen

Welcome to the "No Strings Attached Giveaway Hop", hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer. As Kathy explains: "This hop is for all the people who hate jumping through hoops to enter giveaways. This is a no strings attached, no requirements to enter hop."

You may not be aware that April is "National Poetry Month", and in honor of this I have something special up for grabs today...


Ethan Coen’s screenplays have surprised and delighted international audiences with their hilarious vision and bizarrely profound understanding of human nature. With his brother, Joel, Coen has written, directed, and produced some of the most original and beloved movies in the history of cinema, including Raising Arizona; Miller’s Crossing; Barton Fink; The Hudsucker Proxy; Fargo; The Big Lebowski; O Brother, Where Art Thou?; Intolerable Cruelty; an adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men; Burn After Reading; and—most recently—True Grit, which was nominated for ten Academy Awards. Coen has also written collections of critically acclaimed plays (Almost an Evening), short stories (Gates of Eden), and poetry (The Drunken Driver Has the Right of Way), all presented in his distinctly humorous and oddly brilliant literary voice.

Coen’s eccentric genius is revealed again in THE DAY THE WORLD ENDS (Broadway Paperbacks Original, on sale April 3, 2012), a collection of poems that offers humor and provides insight into an artist who has always pushed the boundaries of his craft. THE DAY THE WORLD ENDS  is a remarkable range of poems that are as funny, ribald, provocative, raw, and often touching as the brilliant films that have made the Coen brothers cult legends.

Short, accessible, and nearly the same price as a movie ticket, this new poetry collection is a perfect treat for Coen’s legions of fans.

About the Author

When not writing plays, poetry, or short stories, ETHAN COEN makes movies with his brother, Joel Coen. After thirteen films, the Coen brothers have one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed bodies of work in the history of cinema.

GIVEAWAY: In celebration of National Poetry Month, Crown Publishing Group is offering up a copy of this off-beat book of poetry to one of my readers! This giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only, and will end April 22, 2012. To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is the official linky list of other blogs participating in the Giveaway Hop:


Georgette said...

I have seen Coen brothers movies...I like them, quirky, as I expect the poetry book will be.

Thx for the giveaway!

Dominique said...

I have seen a few Coen brother movies.

Dominique (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)
couponcookie at gmail dot com

Kimberly Lim said...

I havent really seen the move...

Thanks for the giveaway


longsgl said...

I haven't seen one of their movies.

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I have not seen them!


Anna said...

Raising Arizona is hilarious. And your little Zook is cute. What a sweet picture.

doxisrcool at aol dot com

Tracy said...

I have seen a few of them. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Tracy J.

katsrus said...

Love their movies. They stand out. Thanks for the giveaway,
Sue B

aurora M. said...

I have really never seen one..odd
Great giveaway! Thanks
Aurora M

Molly said...

I've never seen one :-) Thanks for this giveaway!

Molly@ reviewsbymolly DOT com

camp3369 said...

Never seen one
annette campbell

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any of the movies.

Anonymous said...

have not seen them

Unknown said...

Huge fan of the Coen brothers movies!! I didn't realize they had a book. NIce.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

joannie said...

THIS IS THE GREATEST HOP!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! THANKS Joannie jscddmj [at]aol[dot]com

momma8385 said...

No I haven't seen any Coen brother movies but thank you for this giveaway.
:) Jeanne

Toystory said...

Never seen either that I know of!
1prizewinner at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict

Unknown said...

I remember way back when I watched Raising Arizona, I really like Nicholas Cage. It was a good movie to me.
Rebecca Parsons

cheralyn said...

I have seen Raising Arizona. Thanks for the giveaway! Cheryl Lynne cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

Linda Kish said...

Coen Brothers movies are great.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Chloecapri said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
chloecarpi [at] yahoo [dot] com

Catherine Lee said...

I love the Coen brothers! AND, we always celebrate National Poetry Month at my library. I'd love to add this book to our collection.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Gale Nelson said...

thanks for the great giveaway Gale Nelson