Mailbox Monday is brought to us by
The Printed Page. I'm late getting this up today, and almost missed it altogether!
In my mailbox last week I got:
Jantsen's Gift was won in
The Phantom's Lair's first giveaway.

The New Menopausal Years was won from
Vaboomer.com. I'm not quite there yet. I've got a bit to go before I have to worry about menopause, but this ought to come in handy when I do.

I got Bees and Mist through the Barnes and Noble "First Look" program. This will be my first time joining in on a discussion of a book.
My thanks to The Phantom's Lair and Vaboomer.com for the books!
I've been working really hard, to try to snatch these books out from under your nose;-)
Won three in a row from Bookin'With Bingo, but I was glad to see that you got one too.
These are so many of these places, that it's hard to keep up with all of them.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Lucky you getting Of Bees and Mist. I'd like to read that one of these days. Happy reading.
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