Oh my! You are lucky! I never win anything! That is why I decided to start giving things away! If I cant win I will let other people win! Thanks for following, and for the comment! Good luck!
Blogging since 2009, I'm a south Florida girl living in the home of mudding and hog hunting. Just trying to survive amid too many books and vastly outnumbered by a ZooCrew, hoping not to wind up a trophy head mounted on someone's wall in the process. Lover of lists, an eternal procrastinator, and really just a flower child at heart.
I just won 5 books - yes 5 - from Luxury Reading! Bwahahahahaha
I'm stealing some of your fire!
Oh my! You are lucky! I never win anything! That is why I decided to start giving things away! If I cant win I will let other people win! Thanks for following, and for the comment! Good luck!
Congrats on your wins! I hope to get my hands on Mistress of the Sun at some point!
Great wins. Mistress of the Sun is so good. Enjoy.
Great books! I really enjoyed Deadly Sins :0
Wow, you are lucky! It looks like you got some treasures :)
I liked How Not To Look Old! It did not help much, but I dress better LOL
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