Mailbox Monday is brought to us by The Printed Page. It was a light week this last week. In my mailbox last week I got:
Received through a giveaway at The Novel Bookworm.
At a New England boarding school, a sex scandal is about to break. Even more shocking than the sexual acts themselves is the fact that they were caught on videotape. A Pandora's box of revelations, the tape triggers a chorus of voices--those of the men, women, teenagers, and parents involved in the scandal--that details the ways in which lives can be derailed or destroyed in one foolish moment.
Writing with a pace and intensity surpassing even her own greatest work, Anita Shreve delivers in TESTIMONY a gripping emotional drama with the impact of a thriller. No one more compellingly explores the dark impulses that sway the lives of seeming innocents, the needs and fears that drive ordinary men and women into intolerable dilemmas, and the ways in which our best intentions can lead to our worst transgressions.
I have this one but I still need to read it. It sounds amazing though and I've been meaning to get to it for awhile now.
I can't say I was a big fan of this book, despite being a big Anita Shreve fan. I hope you enjoy it more than I did!
I won my copy too!! Enjoy it!!!
It was a totally light week for me too, as I got zip, zilch, zero - in my mailbox...but there is always next week to look forward too!
I enjoyed Testimony. Enjoy. It will be fun to compare thoughts.
I received my copy in a giveaway too, but haven't read it yet.
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