Tuesday, March 22, 2011

GUEST POST: Author Kelly Moran

I'm thrilled today to welcome author Kelly Moran, who has a new book Summer's Road due out on March 25th. Let's all please give her a warm welcome! Kelly, take it away!

First, I'd like to sincerely thank Heather for letting me guest today. She's got a great group of followers and I'm honored. Don't forget to leave a comment or feel free to ask me any questions you may have. One commenter will win a FREE eBook copy of my upcoming release, Summer's Road, due out March 25th wherever books are sold.

If interested, you can find trailers, reviews, my books, and more on my Web site at www.authorkellymoran.com, or my Blog at www.authorkellymoran.blogspot.com. I'm also on Facebook at www.facebook.com/authorkellymoran, Myspace at www.myspace.com/authorkellymoran, Goodreads at www.goodreads.com/authorkellymoran, and Twitter at www.twitter.com/authorkmoran.

SUMMER'S ROAD is a book very dear to me. Most people don't know this, but the first draft was written when I was sixteen. It started out as a creative writing assignment where I had to write a short scene from a play. A year later, it inspired me to write a novella about it, which was later published under a different title and pen name. It was horrible, but had promise. I've published five books since then, and couldn't let my first baby go.

So, onward I slaved. I got three great critique partners through the Romance Writers of America where I'm a member, and they helped me turn a cute story into a memorable one. I'm eternally grateful to them, and The Wild Rose Press (publisher) for helping me. Seventeen years after I first penned the book, it's getting it's full glory.

Moral? Never give up!


After her father’s death, Summer Quinn realizes just how alone she feels in the world. With no family to fill her life now, she finds comfort among friends, but yearns for true love, contentment, and family. When her boyfriend, Matt, suggests they raise their relationship to a higher level, Summer jumps at the chance to get everything she’s  always wanted. Only, she doesn’t expect the heat arising between her and her best friend, Ian – a man who never seems to settle down. A man the complete opposite of what she’s looking for. But when her estranged mother reappears after twenty-eight years, Summer’s world completely flips upside down. As secrets from her family’s past and Ian’s true feelings for her emerge, Summer’s now faced with choices she’s not sure she can make. The rest of her life’s happiness hinges on her confronting a past she’d rather deny and legitimately opening her heart to love, even if it’s not where she expected to find it.

Summer stepped onto the pier and gazed out over the ocean. Nighttime here was different than back home. There weren’t any city lights to disguise the stars. The ocean looked black, as dark as the sky above, so that across the horizon, she couldn’t tell where the sky ended and the water began. It was kind of like looking into heaven, like looking into the earth’s soul. 

The drum of footsteps behind her broke her from her reverie. Turning, she saw Ian coming toward her. Shirtless, he hadn’t even bothered with the button on his jeans, he strode closer in bare feet with a bottle of wine in one hand and glasses in the other. 

All she could think was how damn delicious he looked in the moonlight. Heat pooled in her belly and spread throughout her body like a wildfire. Ian Memmer. Not good. 
"You shouldn’t be out here by yourself,” he said, pouring a glass of white wine and handing it to her, the look in his eyes saying it looks like you need this
She took the glass from him and sipped before answering. “That’s the point, to be by myself.” 

He raked a gaze over her. “And if you fell in?” 

Maybe it was the moonlight. Maybe it was the call of the ocean. Whatever it was, something made her want to test the boundaries between them again. Matt or not. Friendship or not. Consequences be damned. “Then you’d save me. You always do.”
Thanks again to Heather. Can't wait to hear what you guys think! Best always. XO

Thanks so much for stopping by, Kelly! Any questions or comments for Kelly? One commenter will win a free e-book copy of Kelly's new book Summer's Road, due out March 25th! Just leave a little love below to be entered! Enter by March 27th.

NOTE: Kelly's blog was supposedly hacked and wiped out. If you used to follow her blog, please check in and make sure you still are, as she had to recreate the blog again! 


Author Kelly Moran said...

I didn't know this went up Tuesday. I'm sooo sorry. I thought it was today. Anyway, thank you for having me!

Commenters don't need an e-reader like kIndle or Nook to enter. The book will be emailed right to you and you can read it on your PC.

Also, I am really sick, so I will try to come by as often as I can.


CK Webb said...

Kelly, Great post...so thrilled to see you making the rounds and getting your book out there. It looks really good and I wishh you the very best, not only in your writing career, but in your personal life as well!!! CK Webb

Author Kelly Moran said...

Thank you, Cassidy! XOXO

Margie Mijares said...

I started reading my copy of Summer's Road yesterday and was drawn in from the 1st page!!! Can hardly wait to continue reading today!

DJ Weaver said...

Great post, Kelly...kudos to you!
DJ Weaver

Eileen Schuh: said...

I like to read books and win books! Kelly, the excerpt is easy and fun to read. SUMMER ROAD promises to be a romance with emotion and depth.
Good luck with your writing career!

Author Kelly Moran said...

@ Margie- that is REALLY GOOD to know. Thank you.

@ DJ and Eileen, thank you. So glad to see you could pop by!


Author Kelly Moran said...

PS, new blog link is kellymoranauthor.blogspot.com


Karen McGrath said...

Congrats, Kelly! Sorry to hear about your blog. Will resign up today.

Best wishes always,

Karen :)

Author Kelly Moran said...

Thanks, karen. Was a bit mad myself! xo