Thursday, June 20, 2024

Introducing... The Words That Made Us by Andrea Busfield

Introducing books through the first paragraph or so...


I have a name though it's unlikely you've heard it. Instead, you'll recognise and claim to know me through words of your own making such as gitano, ijito, gjupci, sipsiwn, and yiftos. In England - the birthplace of Shakespeare and Dickens - I'm known as gypsy, my people as gypsies. In other places, at other times, there have been other names, most of them stemming from a medieval belief that we were Egyptian. Sometime later, when this was clipped to 'gypcian, we lost not only the truth, but also entitlement to a capital letter - something the rest of the world's nations appear to enjoy.

However, our journey doesn't stop there.

-- The Words That Made Us by Andrea Busfield

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