Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-thon

It's that time of year-- time for the fall read-a-thon! And I am joining in once again! I think that this is my...third? fourth?...24-hour read-a-thon, and each time I get easier on myself. I used to struggle so hard to stay away 24 hours. But now I kinda figure that the point is to just enjoy reading, and if I am struggling, then I am not doing very well at this!

So I will be reading as much as possible, but when tired I will be sleeping! My biggest goal is to spend more time reading and less time doing mini-challenges. I love the challenges and think they are such fun, but they take so much of my time and I wind up with pitiful reading results!

So, it's off to reading. At last count there were about 442 of us reading today. Good luck to everyone else joining in!

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